- Rotary Club of: Provide official name of Rotary Club Submitting application. Please be Specific (Breakfast, Noon, Sunset)
- President: President’s Printed name.
- Rotary Club Liaison/Contact: Rotary Club member directly responsible for the completion of the Project. Please provide telephone numbers and Email Address.
- Youth Group Name: Provide the official name of the youth group that will work with Rotary Club members to complete the project. The club members and youth group members must be present during the project. Grant money must be used by the Rotary Club to benefit seniors or disabled persons.
- Title of Project: Approximately one to five words. (Example: Hillside Interact Senior Day)
- Date of Project: Provide actual date project will take place. If the project is a continuing project provide beginning and ending dates. If the project schedule is changed by more than 60 days, please notify this committee.
- Project Mission: This is a narrative description of what the youth group and the club will do to help the seniors or disabled. This is where you sell your project.
- Project Significance: This is a narrative description of how the action will enhance Rotary’s involvement in the community and show the partnership with youth for service to seniors or the disabled.
- Who and How Many Does it Benefit: Provide the number of Rotarians that will participate in the project, the number of youth that will participate, and the number of people the project will directly benefit.
- What are the Plans for a Concluding Ceremony or Program: If this is part of your proposed project, briefly describe any media coverage or special coverage.
- Grant Amount Requested: Provide the total dollar amount requested.
- Date Grant Money is Required: Provide the approximate date that the club would like to receive funds from the District. Funds are usually distributed between November and January. If funds are not received by the club’s treasurer by this date, please contact Anne Marie Duncan.
- Explanation of How Funds Will be Used: This should be inclusive. (Example: $100 band, $200 food, $50 decorations and miscellaneous) This requirement is not to dictate how the money will be spent, but for committee members to understand the value of the program.
All information is required. Incomplete applications will be returned to the submitting club. Grant applications will be accepted between September 15 and October 31. The date of submission has no impact on the amount awarded. Funding is expected in November.
PLEASE BE ADVISED. If your club received grant money in the prior year, your application and all future applications WILL NOT be accepted unless a closing summary report, due within 45 days after the completion of the project, was submitted for that year. Please retain a copy of the closing summary report and receipts for your records. Additionally, Rotary Friends grants WILL NOT be awarded to any club that is not current in its dues to either Rotary International or District 5330. Clubs must be current in both dues at the time that the grants are being considered.
If your project does not use all the funds granted, please return the remainder to the District Treasurer and notify Anne Marie Duncan that funds were returned in your Closing Report.. If your project is canceled, please return the funds to the District Treasurer and submit a Closing Report indicating that the project was canceled.
Please refer any questions to Anne Marie Duncan (909)-654-6191 or [email protected]