August 2024 DRFC Doug Baker Foundation


Occasionally I am asked, “why do you like global grants so much.”  OK, truth be told, I’m seldom if ever asked that.  But, I’m going to answer anyway!

With a global grant, you can do so much more, do it on a bigger scale and do things that will last beyond the grant period.  The minimum amount of a grant is $30,000 so at its smallest, it’s still very meaningful.

A grant must be shown to provide a real community need and must be sustainable.  In other words, the good we’re achieving for a community must be able to become self-supporting.  And let’s don’t forget that much, if not all, of the funding is matched (80%) by Rotary. So, a $30,000 grant can become $54,000 by this match.

Why a global grant?  So, things can be done on a larger scale tour addressing a proven community need and answer that need for a long, long, time.

Some say but isn’t a global grant just for efforts outside the United States? That’s true but there is thing called a reverse grant that allows a partnership between a foreign club and a U.S. club that provides funding for a project here at home.  In fact, three of our clubs are doing so at this moment.

Our friends in District 5280 are going on an International humanitarian trip (October 2-6) to provide some relief to the fire devastated areas in Maui! That’s right, an international trip to Maui, caused by partnering with a foreign club.  There are 6 spots reserved for our members, let me know if interested.

Let’s start thinking bigger!

We’re here to help.

August 2024 Membership

Happy August fellow District 5330 Rotarians! 

Welcome to our mid-summer newsletter for the 24/25 Rotary year. As you know, August is membership!  In actuality, every month is membership month.   
As I commence my 2nd year as District Membership Chair, I’d like to thank the 18 clubs that invited me to speak about membership last year, I appreciate your hospitality. Visiting other Rotary clubs is a wonderful avenue to extend your Rotary fellowship, and learn about how other clubs operate, I recommend it to all.  I have 3 clubs on my calendar to visit this month. One of the clubs I will be visiting later this year is the newly charted Rotary Club of French Valley!  Congratulations to Charter President Jay Diallo and Board of Directors on forming the 61st club in District 5330!  Please let me know if you would like me to speak at your club, it would be an honor.

As DMC, I will continue my “ask” to keep membership top of mind.  What do I mean by that?  While you’re out and about, doing business, having a meal, attending a social or professional event or even a party, think about Rotary and who in the room might make a good Rotarian. 

Pausing my article for this important message. If you are still reading this, please text me at 909-730-0447 and ask me to send you your $25 Amazon gift card. The first person to respond will win the card!  Congratulations to Bill Ballou of the Murrieta Rotary Club for winning the Amazon gift card last month!  

I’m continuing to (And enjoying) making my calls to all of our membership chairs to introduce myself and the common thread is enthusiasm!  We’re going to have a great membership year.  

In closing, I would like to remind you that we have a vast number of resources regarding membership, foundation, fundraising, and much more available to you in the learning center section of MyRotary.Org.  If you have not set up your account, I encourage you to so as soon as you can, I believe you will find great value in the site! 

I look forward to seeing you soon, stay safe and be blessed,


Al Rubio 
District 5330 Membership Chair 2024/2025 
Past President 1998-1999 / 2008-2009 
909-730-0447 Cell 
951-491-2505 Office Direct          

August Community Service

 Who Ever Said:”Bigger is Better”?

Some of my clubs best community service projects start out as small “favors:” for parts of our community.  In many communities a member of your club may see an opportunity to help out another organization,  a certain group of folks, a government organization or maybe even a religious institution. 

As Rotarians……if we see something between our meetings  that could be an opportunity to help out   in our community it is worth saying something at our next meeting…even if it is in casual conversation, or during the announcements.  Putting the community service thermometer in the water can many times start the wheels of the club service locomotive moving.   At first, lending a hand as a club, and then perhaps collaborating with another organization or group to further enhance the project in the future.  It really doesn’t take a lot …….Many times it’s simple question like: “Who would be willing to help out next thursday…….with my church group to help feed some seniors………? “

Remember…..massive trees don’t just appear……they start with either seeds or as offshoot saplings of large trees. Many times what starts as a small group of volunteers that are willing to “help out” can grow into a meaningful and helpful service project. 

The act of “helping out” is a great way to get to know others in the community that might also make great Rotarians in the future.  Also, all clubs need “fresh” and new projects on their calendars to keep members engaged.  After a while all of us get used to the same ol’ same ol’! New projects engage our members, and it’s a great way to get some of our newer members to be a co-chair of a small project and make it their own.

When new members come into our clubs……we all know that they have a different skill set, and hobby passion that is most times very useful to projects in our club: give these new members an opportunity to use those skills and hobbies to the benefit of the club and the community.  Remember…..any club is only as able to perform based on the assets in their club “tool box”!  Don’t be afraid to ask any newer member if there are any service projects that they think the community can use.  Every new member brings with them connections as well as skills and needs.  We all know that connections of one new member can easily change the opportunities of many. 

As we are in a new Rotary year….it’s time to look for new magic in our clubs and projects!



Chuck Weisbart (Cheeze)

Proudly- an Idyllwild Rotarian!

D5330 Community Service Chair

760 578 3592

P.O.Box 278, Idyllwild CA 92549

August 4 way Speech

All club Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest chairs and potential club chairs:

Please join us online Wednesday, August 21, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Here’s your Zoom link:

You shouldn’t need these, but just in case, the meeting ID is 889-4615 6482, and the passcode is 521687.


Please email that you’ll attend.

In order to avoid technical difficulties, we’ll open the link by 5:15 p.m.


    • Partnering with schools to support the Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest
    • Recruiting and retaining student participants
    • Planning fall-winter coaching sessions for student speakers Via Zoom

REQUEST MATERIALS TO SUPPORT YOUR CLUB’S PARTICIPATION (These materials were sent to all July 17 meeting attendees)

Email to receive

    • A recording of the introductory July 17 meeting of Club Speech Chairs
    • Contest brochure and calendar
    • Judges’ scoring sheet for the Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest
    • Other speech contest-related materials as they are made available
    • Replies to your questions

July Annual Fund

Hello Rotary Presidents, Treasurer, and Foundation Chairs,

I would like to discuss with you EREY (Every Rotarian, Every Year). To become a member of EREY, all a Rotarian has to do is donate at least $25.00 per year to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund. I hope that will be easy for all the Rotarians in our district.  For a Rotary Club to become an EREY Club is when all the members of the club donate at least $25.00 to the Annual Fund. The next honor is for a Rotarian to become a Sustaining Member.  If you donate at least $100.00 or more in a Rotary Year, you become a Sustaining Member. A Sustaining Club is when the average of all members donates at least $100.00 per year to the Annual Fund.

I would like to try to get many of your members to donate via Rotary Direct.  Rotary Direct is by far the easiest and most efficient way to make donations to TRF, as well as the best way for Rotary International to keep track of contributions to The Rotary Foundation.  I will try to cover more details about Rotary Direct in my message next month.

Yours in Rotary Service (YIRS),

Bill Orr
District 5330 Annual Fund Chair
The Rotary Foundation

July Community Grants

Community Grants are now open for the 2024-25 year.  The community grants close August 31, 2024 so time is short to apply.


The amounts available to each club will be available to you soon.  In the meantime, you can do the following:


Open DACdb

Click on the District Grants page

Make sure the right year is at the top of the screen (24-25)

Click on “Clubs grant view” on the left navigation bar

Click on the pencil after you have identified the contact

Then complete the Details page


Once you have completed the items above and when you have the numbers, you can add to the budget page.


Call me if you have questions at 951-746-8364.  If you leave a message, please tell me your club name.




Interact Training Assembly

District 5330 Interact
Training Assembly
Empowering Young Leaders


After many years of not being able to hold our Interact Training Assembly, we are back live on August 3, 2024 at the Miracle Springs Resort and Spa in Desert Hot Springs!  

This year’s District 5330 Interact Training Assembly is aimed to provide essential training, inspiration, and resources to Interact club members and advisors, enabling them to lead effectively and make a positive impact in their communities.

The training assembly is designed to:

  • Equip Interact club officers and advisors with the skills needed to lead successful projects.
  • Foster a sense of community among Interact clubs in the district.
  • Provide resources and support to help clubs thrive.
  • Inspire attendees through success stories and motivational speakers.

Leadership Workshops

The assembly will feature a series of interactive workshops focused on various aspects of leadership. Sessions covered topics such as effective communication, project management, team building, and conflict resolution. These workshops provided practical tools and strategies that attendees could implement in their own clubs.

Inspirational Speakers

Attendees will be inspired by speeches from distinguished Rotarians and community leaders. These speakers will share their personal journeys, the impact of Rotary and Interact on their lives, and the importance of service above self. Their stories will motivate the young leaders to take bold actions and make a difference in their communities.

Networking Opportunities

The assembly will provide ample opportunities for attendees to network with peers from other Interact clubs within District 5330. This networking allows for the exchange of ideas, collaboration on future projects, and the building of lasting friendships.

Resource Sharing

Participants will receive a variety of resources to help them succeed in their roles. These included guides on project planning, fundraising strategies, and community engagement techniques. Additionally, Rotarians will be available to offer mentorship and ongoing support to the Interact members.

Armed with new skills, inspiration, and a network of supportive peers and mentors, these young leaders will leave the assembly ready to take on new challenges and drive meaningful change in their communities. The knowledge and experiences gained from the event will undoubtedly contribute to the success and sustainability of their Interact clubs.

We envision the District 5330 Interact Training Assembly being a resounding success, achieving its goal of empowering the next generation of leaders. By investing in the development of young people, Rotary continues to build a foundation for a better, more compassionate world. We look forward to seeing the incredible projects and initiatives that will emerge from these inspired and well-equipped Interact members.

For more information or to get involved please reach out to Jackie Chatman, 213-822-2634

…when you teach somebody how to read, they have that for a lifetime. It ripples through the community, one by one.
Mark Wilson

Rotary Club Member


August 2024 DRFC Doug Baker Foundation


Occasionally I am asked, “why do you like global grants so much.”  OK, truth be told, I’m seldom if ever asked that.  But, I’m going to answer anyway!

With a global grant, you can do so much more, do it on a bigger scale and do things that will last beyond the grant period.  The minimum amount of a grant is $30,000 so at its smallest, it’s still very meaningful.

A grant must be shown to provide a real community need and must be sustainable.  In other words, the good we’re achieving for a community must be able to become self-supporting.  And let’s don’t forget that much, if not all, of the funding is matched (80%) by Rotary. So, a $30,000 grant can become $54,000 by this match.

Why a global grant?  So, things can be done on a larger scale tour addressing a proven community need and answer that need for a long, long, time.

Some say but isn’t a global grant just for efforts outside the United States? That’s true but there is thing called a reverse grant that allows a partnership between a foreign club and a U.S. club that provides funding for a project here at home.  In fact, three of our clubs are doing so at this moment.

Our friends in District 5280 are going on an International humanitarian trip (October 2-6) to provide some relief to the fire devastated areas in Maui! That’s right, an international trip to Maui, caused by partnering with a foreign club.  There are 6 spots reserved for our members, let me know if interested.

Let’s start thinking bigger!

We’re here to help.

August 2024 Membership

Happy August fellow District 5330 Rotarians! 

Welcome to our mid-summer newsletter for the 24/25 Rotary year. As you know, August is membership!  In actuality, every month is membership month.   
As I commence my 2nd year as District Membership Chair, I’d like to thank the 18 clubs that invited me to speak about membership last year, I appreciate your hospitality. Visiting other Rotary clubs is a wonderful avenue to extend your Rotary fellowship, and learn about how other clubs operate, I recommend it to all.  I have 3 clubs on my calendar to visit this month. One of the clubs I will be visiting later this year is the newly charted Rotary Club of French Valley!  Congratulations to Charter President Jay Diallo and Board of Directors on forming the 61st club in District 5330!  Please let me know if you would like me to speak at your club, it would be an honor.

As DMC, I will continue my “ask” to keep membership top of mind.  What do I mean by that?  While you’re out and about, doing business, having a meal, attending a social or professional event or even a party, think about Rotary and who in the room might make a good Rotarian. 

Pausing my article for this important message. If you are still reading this, please text me at 909-730-0447 and ask me to send you your $25 Amazon gift card. The first person to respond will win the card!  Congratulations to Bill Ballou of the Murrieta Rotary Club for winning the Amazon gift card last month!  

I’m continuing to (And enjoying) making my calls to all of our membership chairs to introduce myself and the common thread is enthusiasm!  We’re going to have a great membership year.  

In closing, I would like to remind you that we have a vast number of resources regarding membership, foundation, fundraising, and much more available to you in the learning center section of MyRotary.Org.  If you have not set up your account, I encourage you to so as soon as you can, I believe you will find great value in the site! 

I look forward to seeing you soon, stay safe and be blessed,


Al Rubio 
District 5330 Membership Chair 2024/2025 
Past President 1998-1999 / 2008-2009 
909-730-0447 Cell 
951-491-2505 Office Direct          

August Community Service

 Who Ever Said:”Bigger is Better”?

Some of my clubs best community service projects start out as small “favors:” for parts of our community.  In many communities a member of your club may see an opportunity to help out another organization,  a certain group of folks, a government organization or maybe even a religious institution. 

As Rotarians……if we see something between our meetings  that could be an opportunity to help out   in our community it is worth saying something at our next meeting…even if it is in casual conversation, or during the announcements.  Putting the community service thermometer in the water can many times start the wheels of the club service locomotive moving.   At first, lending a hand as a club, and then perhaps collaborating with another organization or group to further enhance the project in the future.  It really doesn’t take a lot …….Many times it’s simple question like: “Who would be willing to help out next thursday…….with my church group to help feed some seniors………? “

Remember…..massive trees don’t just appear……they start with either seeds or as offshoot saplings of large trees. Many times what starts as a small group of volunteers that are willing to “help out” can grow into a meaningful and helpful service project. 

The act of “helping out” is a great way to get to know others in the community that might also make great Rotarians in the future.  Also, all clubs need “fresh” and new projects on their calendars to keep members engaged.  After a while all of us get used to the same ol’ same ol’! New projects engage our members, and it’s a great way to get some of our newer members to be a co-chair of a small project and make it their own.

When new members come into our clubs……we all know that they have a different skill set, and hobby passion that is most times very useful to projects in our club: give these new members an opportunity to use those skills and hobbies to the benefit of the club and the community.  Remember…..any club is only as able to perform based on the assets in their club “tool box”!  Don’t be afraid to ask any newer member if there are any service projects that they think the community can use.  Every new member brings with them connections as well as skills and needs.  We all know that connections of one new member can easily change the opportunities of many. 

As we are in a new Rotary year….it’s time to look for new magic in our clubs and projects!



Chuck Weisbart (Cheeze)

Proudly- an Idyllwild Rotarian!

D5330 Community Service Chair

760 578 3592

P.O.Box 278, Idyllwild CA 92549

August 4 way Speech

All club Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest chairs and potential club chairs:

Please join us online Wednesday, August 21, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Here’s your Zoom link:

You shouldn’t need these, but just in case, the meeting ID is 889-4615 6482, and the passcode is 521687.


Please email that you’ll attend.

In order to avoid technical difficulties, we’ll open the link by 5:15 p.m.


    • Partnering with schools to support the Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest
    • Recruiting and retaining student participants
    • Planning fall-winter coaching sessions for student speakers Via Zoom

REQUEST MATERIALS TO SUPPORT YOUR CLUB’S PARTICIPATION (These materials were sent to all July 17 meeting attendees)

Email to receive

    • A recording of the introductory July 17 meeting of Club Speech Chairs
    • Contest brochure and calendar
    • Judges’ scoring sheet for the Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest
    • Other speech contest-related materials as they are made available
    • Replies to your questions

July Annual Fund

Hello Rotary Presidents, Treasurer, and Foundation Chairs,

I would like to discuss with you EREY (Every Rotarian, Every Year). To become a member of EREY, all a Rotarian has to do is donate at least $25.00 per year to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund. I hope that will be easy for all the Rotarians in our district.  For a Rotary Club to become an EREY Club is when all the members of the club donate at least $25.00 to the Annual Fund. The next honor is for a Rotarian to become a Sustaining Member.  If you donate at least $100.00 or more in a Rotary Year, you become a Sustaining Member. A Sustaining Club is when the average of all members donates at least $100.00 per year to the Annual Fund.

I would like to try to get many of your members to donate via Rotary Direct.  Rotary Direct is by far the easiest and most efficient way to make donations to TRF, as well as the best way for Rotary International to keep track of contributions to The Rotary Foundation.  I will try to cover more details about Rotary Direct in my message next month.

Yours in Rotary Service (YIRS),

Bill Orr
District 5330 Annual Fund Chair
The Rotary Foundation

July Community Grants

Community Grants are now open for the 2024-25 year.  The community grants close August 31, 2024 so time is short to apply.


The amounts available to each club will be available to you soon.  In the meantime, you can do the following:


Open DACdb

Click on the District Grants page

Make sure the right year is at the top of the screen (24-25)

Click on “Clubs grant view” on the left navigation bar

Click on the pencil after you have identified the contact

Then complete the Details page


Once you have completed the items above and when you have the numbers, you can add to the budget page.


Call me if you have questions at 951-746-8364.  If you leave a message, please tell me your club name.




Interact Training Assembly

District 5330 Interact
Training Assembly
Empowering Young Leaders


After many years of not being able to hold our Interact Training Assembly, we are back live on August 3, 2024 at the Miracle Springs Resort and Spa in Desert Hot Springs!  

This year’s District 5330 Interact Training Assembly is aimed to provide essential training, inspiration, and resources to Interact club members and advisors, enabling them to lead effectively and make a positive impact in their communities.

The training assembly is designed to:

  • Equip Interact club officers and advisors with the skills needed to lead successful projects.
  • Foster a sense of community among Interact clubs in the district.
  • Provide resources and support to help clubs thrive.
  • Inspire attendees through success stories and motivational speakers.

Leadership Workshops

The assembly will feature a series of interactive workshops focused on various aspects of leadership. Sessions covered topics such as effective communication, project management, team building, and conflict resolution. These workshops provided practical tools and strategies that attendees could implement in their own clubs.

Inspirational Speakers

Attendees will be inspired by speeches from distinguished Rotarians and community leaders. These speakers will share their personal journeys, the impact of Rotary and Interact on their lives, and the importance of service above self. Their stories will motivate the young leaders to take bold actions and make a difference in their communities.

Networking Opportunities

The assembly will provide ample opportunities for attendees to network with peers from other Interact clubs within District 5330. This networking allows for the exchange of ideas, collaboration on future projects, and the building of lasting friendships.

Resource Sharing

Participants will receive a variety of resources to help them succeed in their roles. These included guides on project planning, fundraising strategies, and community engagement techniques. Additionally, Rotarians will be available to offer mentorship and ongoing support to the Interact members.

Armed with new skills, inspiration, and a network of supportive peers and mentors, these young leaders will leave the assembly ready to take on new challenges and drive meaningful change in their communities. The knowledge and experiences gained from the event will undoubtedly contribute to the success and sustainability of their Interact clubs.

We envision the District 5330 Interact Training Assembly being a resounding success, achieving its goal of empowering the next generation of leaders. By investing in the development of young people, Rotary continues to build a foundation for a better, more compassionate world. We look forward to seeing the incredible projects and initiatives that will emerge from these inspired and well-equipped Interact members.

For more information or to get involved please reach out to Jackie Chatman, 213-822-2634


We have a very active District when it comes to literacy.

The following is a list of project ideas collected from the Literacy Award applications received over the past several years. Ideas for you to consider fall into three general categories: Club Literacy, Funding Focused, Front-line Literacy

Literacy projects that take place within your club

Devote a club meeting to planning literacy projects.

Host a speaker at a club meeting from Success By Six to speak about children’s literacy.

Reference “The Rotarian” magazine at club meetings and encourage members to read it.

Host a speaker from your school district/adult education program to speak about numeracy.

Include information and links on the importance of reading with children on your club website.

Appoint a “literacy chair” on your board of directors.

Host a literacy workshop for members.

Create a limerick writing contest within the club or between two clubs.

Bring in an author as a guest speaker

Share favorite books, poems, magazine or websites at meetings.

Host a presentation on tutoring and reading with children for members.

Conduct a monthly or bi-monthly reading group among Rotary members, friends, family, school district and First Nations.

Where your club funds a literacy project

Support local school libraries of all levels with book donations which can include bookplates identifying the Rotary.

Provide schools with identified needed reading resources. i.e.- online leveled reading programs for specific grades.

Donate large print books to seniors home.

Fund the creation of a cultural learning DVD for local First Nations group.

Donate to local literacy program like Literacy Now- Books for Babies Program or Born to Read.

Donate to a specific program at the public library such as Teen Advisory Committee or the Adult Reading Program.

Provide literacy supportive equipment identified by a school’s “wish list” such as a document camera and LCD projector.

Support a community program such as the Head Start Read and Play Group and Longview Stageworks After School Theatre Club.

Donate to a local schools lunch program which aims to deal with hunger as a learning inhibitor.

Help fund your local literacy bus.

Donate school supplies.

Sponsor prizes for an essay contest for middle school students in grades 6-8.

Contribute to a school summer reading program- books given to each child to encourage continued reading.

Support school and community music programs.

Buy specialized laptops for students with communication challenges.

Sponsor students to attend Rotary Programs- e.g. Adventures in Technology.

Sponsor Missoula Children s Theatre for local school or community programs.

Support or manage the construction of a library or learning centre locally or abroad.

Donate to Success By Six or Early Start.

Participate in an international book shipping project.

Help fund an international mini-library project.

Where your club volunteers in a literacy capacity

Volunteer in an elementary school library that might be otherwise closed due to budget. Check in/out materials, conduct story times you could also give homework help to students.

Organize and participate in a one-day event of listening to students read their stories about their heroes.

Celebrate Dr. Seuss, one-day event – visit 20 classrooms, dress in red and white striped hats and donate a book to each class.

Host students from an adopted school to sing songs and perform.

Partner with other programs e.g. “Read to Me” and volunteer your time to them.

Conduct story times at local events such as a children’s festival.

Volunteer once a week at a school to read with students.

Donate gently used adult books for Christmas hampers for local families.

Participate in a book or coloring book drive to support non-profit children’s organizations.

Participate in education workshops for kids at the Boys and Girls Club.

Attend or organize a school field trip and have Rotarians buddy with elementary school children to familiarize them with the public library.

Develop a literacy roundtable in the community where a member from each club attends and focuses on supporting literacy in partnership with other clubs – and on their own.

Provide books for a school to use a positive reinforcement reward for their students.

Donate materials to support a classroom in need- e.g. a math game – and volunteer to play with kindergarten students needing to develop numeracy skills.

Participate in newspaper sale for “Raise A Reader”

Collect books for community bookstore to celebrate Literacy Day.

Create a literacy float in a community parade.

Donate literacy boxes to local women’s centre and transition houses filled with children/adult books.

Donate books to local correctional centre.

Fundraise with your local literacy society.

Host a public library literacy night.

Host a holiday breakfast and book giveaway.


August 2024 DRFC Doug Baker Foundation


Occasionally I am asked, “why do you like global grants so much.”  OK, truth be told, I’m seldom if ever asked that.  But, I’m going to answer anyway!

With a global grant, you can do so much more, do it on a bigger scale and do things that will last beyond the grant period.  The minimum amount of a grant is $30,000 so at its smallest, it’s still very meaningful.

A grant must be shown to provide a real community need and must be sustainable.  In other words, the good we’re achieving for a community must be able to become self-supporting.  And let’s don’t forget that much, if not all, of the funding is matched (80%) by Rotary. So, a $30,000 grant can become $54,000 by this match.

Why a global grant?  So, things can be done on a larger scale tour addressing a proven community need and answer that need for a long, long, time.

Some say but isn’t a global grant just for efforts outside the United States? That’s true but there is thing called a reverse grant that allows a partnership between a foreign club and a U.S. club that provides funding for a project here at home.  In fact, three of our clubs are doing so at this moment.

Our friends in District 5280 are going on an International humanitarian trip (October 2-6) to provide some relief to the fire devastated areas in Maui! That’s right, an international trip to Maui, caused by partnering with a foreign club.  There are 6 spots reserved for our members, let me know if interested.

Let’s start thinking bigger!

We’re here to help.

August 2024 Membership

Happy August fellow District 5330 Rotarians! 

Welcome to our mid-summer newsletter for the 24/25 Rotary year. As you know, August is membership!  In actuality, every month is membership month.   
As I commence my 2nd year as District Membership Chair, I’d like to thank the 18 clubs that invited me to speak about membership last year, I appreciate your hospitality. Visiting other Rotary clubs is a wonderful avenue to extend your Rotary fellowship, and learn about how other clubs operate, I recommend it to all.  I have 3 clubs on my calendar to visit this month. One of the clubs I will be visiting later this year is the newly charted Rotary Club of French Valley!  Congratulations to Charter President Jay Diallo and Board of Directors on forming the 61st club in District 5330!  Please let me know if you would like me to speak at your club, it would be an honor.

As DMC, I will continue my “ask” to keep membership top of mind.  What do I mean by that?  While you’re out and about, doing business, having a meal, attending a social or professional event or even a party, think about Rotary and who in the room might make a good Rotarian. 

Pausing my article for this important message. If you are still reading this, please text me at 909-730-0447 and ask me to send you your $25 Amazon gift card. The first person to respond will win the card!  Congratulations to Bill Ballou of the Murrieta Rotary Club for winning the Amazon gift card last month!  

I’m continuing to (And enjoying) making my calls to all of our membership chairs to introduce myself and the common thread is enthusiasm!  We’re going to have a great membership year.  

In closing, I would like to remind you that we have a vast number of resources regarding membership, foundation, fundraising, and much more available to you in the learning center section of MyRotary.Org.  If you have not set up your account, I encourage you to so as soon as you can, I believe you will find great value in the site! 

I look forward to seeing you soon, stay safe and be blessed,


Al Rubio 
District 5330 Membership Chair 2024/2025 
Past President 1998-1999 / 2008-2009 
909-730-0447 Cell 
951-491-2505 Office Direct          

August Community Service

 Who Ever Said:”Bigger is Better”?

Some of my clubs best community service projects start out as small “favors:” for parts of our community.  In many communities a member of your club may see an opportunity to help out another organization,  a certain group of folks, a government organization or maybe even a religious institution. 

As Rotarians……if we see something between our meetings  that could be an opportunity to help out   in our community it is worth saying something at our next meeting…even if it is in casual conversation, or during the announcements.  Putting the community service thermometer in the water can many times start the wheels of the club service locomotive moving.   At first, lending a hand as a club, and then perhaps collaborating with another organization or group to further enhance the project in the future.  It really doesn’t take a lot …….Many times it’s simple question like: “Who would be willing to help out next thursday…….with my church group to help feed some seniors………? “

Remember…..massive trees don’t just appear……they start with either seeds or as offshoot saplings of large trees. Many times what starts as a small group of volunteers that are willing to “help out” can grow into a meaningful and helpful service project. 

The act of “helping out” is a great way to get to know others in the community that might also make great Rotarians in the future.  Also, all clubs need “fresh” and new projects on their calendars to keep members engaged.  After a while all of us get used to the same ol’ same ol’! New projects engage our members, and it’s a great way to get some of our newer members to be a co-chair of a small project and make it their own.

When new members come into our clubs……we all know that they have a different skill set, and hobby passion that is most times very useful to projects in our club: give these new members an opportunity to use those skills and hobbies to the benefit of the club and the community.  Remember…..any club is only as able to perform based on the assets in their club “tool box”!  Don’t be afraid to ask any newer member if there are any service projects that they think the community can use.  Every new member brings with them connections as well as skills and needs.  We all know that connections of one new member can easily change the opportunities of many. 

As we are in a new Rotary year….it’s time to look for new magic in our clubs and projects!



Chuck Weisbart (Cheeze)

Proudly- an Idyllwild Rotarian!

D5330 Community Service Chair

760 578 3592

P.O.Box 278, Idyllwild CA 92549

August 4 way Speech

All club Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest chairs and potential club chairs:

Please join us online Wednesday, August 21, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Here’s your Zoom link:

You shouldn’t need these, but just in case, the meeting ID is 889-4615 6482, and the passcode is 521687.


Please email that you’ll attend.

In order to avoid technical difficulties, we’ll open the link by 5:15 p.m.


    • Partnering with schools to support the Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest
    • Recruiting and retaining student participants
    • Planning fall-winter coaching sessions for student speakers Via Zoom

REQUEST MATERIALS TO SUPPORT YOUR CLUB’S PARTICIPATION (These materials were sent to all July 17 meeting attendees)

Email to receive

    • A recording of the introductory July 17 meeting of Club Speech Chairs
    • Contest brochure and calendar
    • Judges’ scoring sheet for the Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest
    • Other speech contest-related materials as they are made available
    • Replies to your questions

July Annual Fund

Hello Rotary Presidents, Treasurer, and Foundation Chairs,

I would like to discuss with you EREY (Every Rotarian, Every Year). To become a member of EREY, all a Rotarian has to do is donate at least $25.00 per year to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund. I hope that will be easy for all the Rotarians in our district.  For a Rotary Club to become an EREY Club is when all the members of the club donate at least $25.00 to the Annual Fund. The next honor is for a Rotarian to become a Sustaining Member.  If you donate at least $100.00 or more in a Rotary Year, you become a Sustaining Member. A Sustaining Club is when the average of all members donates at least $100.00 per year to the Annual Fund.

I would like to try to get many of your members to donate via Rotary Direct.  Rotary Direct is by far the easiest and most efficient way to make donations to TRF, as well as the best way for Rotary International to keep track of contributions to The Rotary Foundation.  I will try to cover more details about Rotary Direct in my message next month.

Yours in Rotary Service (YIRS),

Bill Orr
District 5330 Annual Fund Chair
The Rotary Foundation

July Community Grants

Community Grants are now open for the 2024-25 year.  The community grants close August 31, 2024 so time is short to apply.


The amounts available to each club will be available to you soon.  In the meantime, you can do the following:


Open DACdb

Click on the District Grants page

Make sure the right year is at the top of the screen (24-25)

Click on “Clubs grant view” on the left navigation bar

Click on the pencil after you have identified the contact

Then complete the Details page


Once you have completed the items above and when you have the numbers, you can add to the budget page.


Call me if you have questions at 951-746-8364.  If you leave a message, please tell me your club name.




Interact Training Assembly

District 5330 Interact
Training Assembly
Empowering Young Leaders


After many years of not being able to hold our Interact Training Assembly, we are back live on August 3, 2024 at the Miracle Springs Resort and Spa in Desert Hot Springs!  

This year’s District 5330 Interact Training Assembly is aimed to provide essential training, inspiration, and resources to Interact club members and advisors, enabling them to lead effectively and make a positive impact in their communities.

The training assembly is designed to:

  • Equip Interact club officers and advisors with the skills needed to lead successful projects.
  • Foster a sense of community among Interact clubs in the district.
  • Provide resources and support to help clubs thrive.
  • Inspire attendees through success stories and motivational speakers.

Leadership Workshops

The assembly will feature a series of interactive workshops focused on various aspects of leadership. Sessions covered topics such as effective communication, project management, team building, and conflict resolution. These workshops provided practical tools and strategies that attendees could implement in their own clubs.

Inspirational Speakers

Attendees will be inspired by speeches from distinguished Rotarians and community leaders. These speakers will share their personal journeys, the impact of Rotary and Interact on their lives, and the importance of service above self. Their stories will motivate the young leaders to take bold actions and make a difference in their communities.

Networking Opportunities

The assembly will provide ample opportunities for attendees to network with peers from other Interact clubs within District 5330. This networking allows for the exchange of ideas, collaboration on future projects, and the building of lasting friendships.

Resource Sharing

Participants will receive a variety of resources to help them succeed in their roles. These included guides on project planning, fundraising strategies, and community engagement techniques. Additionally, Rotarians will be available to offer mentorship and ongoing support to the Interact members.

Armed with new skills, inspiration, and a network of supportive peers and mentors, these young leaders will leave the assembly ready to take on new challenges and drive meaningful change in their communities. The knowledge and experiences gained from the event will undoubtedly contribute to the success and sustainability of their Interact clubs.

We envision the District 5330 Interact Training Assembly being a resounding success, achieving its goal of empowering the next generation of leaders. By investing in the development of young people, Rotary continues to build a foundation for a better, more compassionate world. We look forward to seeing the incredible projects and initiatives that will emerge from these inspired and well-equipped Interact members.

For more information or to get involved please reach out to Jackie Chatman, 213-822-2634


Anita Wotschel
District 5020
District Literacy Chair


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