Happy New Year to all the Rotarians in D5330! The past 6 months have flown by! Now we are coming down to the last 5 months of this Rotary year and DGE Nyron’s Pre-PETS and DG Judy’s Mid-Year Review were tremendously successful last month! Both were held at Crafton Hills College on January 18th. Much was learned by all of the participants.
Now it’s time to focus on the upcoming District Training Assembly on Saturday, April 19th again at Tahquitz HS in Hemet. I will be conducting a session on the 5 Avenues of Service with emphasis, of course, on Vocational Service. There will be others speaking specifically on International and Community Service, as well. Please join us!
As I have mentioned in previous articles here on the district’s blog, I would love for all of the clubs in the district to nominate an Outstanding Business or Profession that has greatly benefitted your community this past Rotary year. The Rotary Award for Vocational Excellence (R.A.V.E.) will be given out at DG Judy’s District Conference in May. The deadline for your submission is March 15. The application is in this blog. While you complete the form, please detail how your nominee has benefitted your immediate community. I would like you to be as informative as possible about your nominee when filling out the form. My e-mail to send it back to me is: [email protected]
I look forward to receiving your completed applications before the deadline date so our committee may evaluate each and every one of the nominees.
Thank you and Good Luck!
Bill Chase, PDG
Chair, D5330 Vocational Service Committee