District 5330’s Anti-Human Trafficking trailer had its first excursion outside the district. The photos here are of the KABOOM 4th of July festival at the Fairplex in Pomona.
The trailer was hosted by our District Governor Judy Zulfiqar, First Gentleman Robert Johns, and District 5300 Governor Micheal Drieb with first lady Sylvia.
It was reported that around 300 people walked into the trailer, and thousands more walked by and would have viewed the outside message.
With each event, we are getting the word out and building awareness, one person at a time. Our progress is a testament to our commitment and the impact we can make together.
Want to bring the trailer to one of your Rotary events? Click this link: https://www.district5330.org/ human-trafficking/. Here, you will find access to training in Anti-Human trafficking and an opportunity to request the trailer for your event. Once you fill out the form, I will receive an email and contact you to coordinate further.
Also, if you or someone you know has access to a covered storage area, we are still looking for a covered space for the trailer. Please use the information provided below to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you. Together, we can save lives.
Amy Laboda
District 5330 Human Trafficking Awareness Coordinator
Rotary Club of Palm Desert
[email protected]