Council of Legislation
The Rotary Council on Legislation (COL) is Rotary International’s worldwide parliament and part of its governance process. It meets every three years to review and vote on proposed changes to Rotary’s legislation, including the RI Constitution, RI Bylaws, and the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. The COL also considers position statements from the RI Board and votes on proposed resolutions every year online.
The COL is made up of voting and nonvoting members:
- Voting members: One elected representative from each Rotary district
- Nonvoting members: The chair and vice chair of the Council, the RI president, members of the RI Board, and past RI presidents
Clubs, districts, the RI Board, and the RIBI general council or conference can submit legislation and resolutions to the COL. The COL uses a vetting process to consider items that have widespread support or opposition. Items that receive more than 80% of eligible votes in support are considered on a consent agenda, while items that receive more than 80% of eligible votes in opposition are rejected. In rare cases, if the required number of votes in opposition are filed, the item may be suspended and put to a ballot of all Rotary clubs.
I have been given the honor to represent District 5330 in this process. Over the next few months, I will be sharing with you some of the proposals and changes that have been made/submitted to Rotary.
Here is an action that was brought before me today remember.
The COL also considers position statements from the RI Board and votes on proposed resolutions every year online.
Position Statements
Position Statement from Rotary International Board of Directors.
The Rotary International Board of Directors took Decision 74 at its January 2024 meeting in response to an election complaint filed by the Rotary Club of Cubao, Philippines, District 3780.
In its complaint, the Rotary Club of Cubao alleged that one of the candidates in the recent district governor election, Analiza Remedios, and her supporters engaged in several acts that violated RI’s Bylaws and election procedures, including campaigning and interfering with the electronic voting process.
Upon review of the documents submitted by the Rotary Club of Cubao, Rotarian Remedios, and others, RI’s Election Review Committee determined that there was documentation that Rotarian Remedios used various mobile phone platforms to:
- Ask club presidents to vote for her
- Give instructions to others on soliciting votes for her
- Request proof of how clubs voted
The committee also determined that there was conclusive documentation, including date, time, and IP addresses, confirming that one of Rotarian Remedios’s supporters, Assistant Governor Apolinaro Castillo, created email accounts for two clubs in the district and used them to cast votes without the clubs’ knowledge or authorization. This finding was confirmed by a district ethics committee convened by the governor.
In accordance with its findings, the Election Review Committee recommended that the Board, acting pursuant to RI Bylaws 13.030.2., uphold the complaint, void the election of Rotarian Remedios, and declare the sole remaining candidate, Rotarian Veronica Yu, to be the 2025-26 governor of District 3780. The committee also recommended that the Board bar Rotarian Castillo from holding any RI office for three years.
Based on the Election Review Committee’s review and recommendation, the Board does not believe there is any merit to the position of the Rotary Club of Kamuning Central and urges representatives to sustain the Board’s decision.
Position Statement from the Rotary Club of Kamuning Central
On 14 June 2023, the results of DGND E-voting for 2025-2026 District Governor for D3780 Philippines were:
ANALIZA REMEDIOS – Rotary Club of Kamuning Central – 57 (54.3%)
VERONICA YU – Rotary Club of Cubao – 48 (45.7%)
Rotarian Analiza won by nine (9) votes and declared as DGND. After 01 July 2023, Rotarian Analiza ascended from a DGND to an RI Officer-Nominee/District Governor Nominee.
Acting on a subsequent complaint by Rotary Club of Cubao, the RI Board (January 2024, Decision No. 74.1.d) held that Rotarian Analiza “violated the provisions of the RI Bylaws regarding campaigning, canvassing, and electioneering, and therefore voids her election and declares the remaining candidate, Veronica Yu, to be the 2025-26 governor of District 3780”.
NO NOTICE OF HEARING was received by Rotarian Analiza and NO ACTUAL HEARING WAS HELD regarding the complaint of RC Cubao in breach of Article 5.040 of RI Bylaws which reads: “The board may remove an officer, officer-elect, officer-nominee, or committee member for cause after a hearing. At least 60 days before the hearing, the board shall give the person to be removed notice of the charges and the time, place, and manner of the hearing x x x”.
It is therefore respectfully prayed of the Honorable Representatives of the Council on Legislation to vote “NO” to the specific question:
Respectfully submitted.
Carlos Miguel B. Ayento
Club President
Rotary Club of Kamuning Central
Narendra Chaudhary
Club Secretary
Rotary Club of Kamuning Central
With the consent of Analiza B. Remedios DGN-Officer-Nominee Rotary Club of Kamuning Central
Rotary Minutes of the January 2024 RI Board of Directors Meeting
Election Review Committee Report
DECISION: The Board:
1. receives the complaint of the Rotary Club of Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines, concerning the selection of the 2025-26 governor of District 3780 and based on the report of the Election Review Committee:
(a) accepts the committee’s finding that, based on the evidence provided, multiple acts breaching the RI Bylaws were committed during the election process.
(b) further accepts the committee’s conclusions that the acts show the intent and willful actions of candidate Analiza Remedios, and agrees that these actions may have had an impact on the election results.
(c) notes the committee’s observation that the response from Rotarian Remedios does not provide any reason to doubt the accuracy of the allegations or findings.
(d) agrees therefore with the Election Review Committee’s conclusion that Rotarian Remedios violated the provisions of the RI Bylaws regarding campaigning, canvassing, and electioneering, and therefore voids her election and declares the remaining candidate, Veronica Yu, to be the 2025-26 governor of District 3780.
(e) accepts the committee’s finding that Assistant Governor Apolinario “Pol” Caballero Castillo accessed the email addresses of two club presidents to cast their votes; that, as a result, one club was unable to cast its one vote; and that the two votes were cast without a club’s awareness.
(f) notes that the district ethics committee concluded that Rotarian Apolinario “Pol” Caballero Castillo “overstepped the boundaries of his role as assistant governor” by casting votes on behalf of the two clubs and accepts the Election Review Committee’s finding that the explanation offered by Rotarian Castillo for his behavior was not supported by sufficient evidence.
(g) in view of the above actions, bars Rotarian Apolinario “Pol” Caballero Castillo from holding any RI office for a period of three years.
(h) notes the Election Review Committee’s concerns about the potential to manipulate club voting and requests the general secretary to review the process for changing email addresses to ensure the security of the e-voting process in future elections.
So, in summary this is a case of Election Campaigning in the Philippines for the position of District Governor with the illegal use of email and voting. Rotary has found the evidence to be a violation of the Manual of Procedure which was submitted by another Rotary Club in the District. The Kamuning Central Club in the Philippines (Home Club of the Proposed District Governor Nominee) is stating that Rotary did not follow the process of Due Process and offer the proper hearing. Rotary rendered a decision that Veronica Yu to be the 2025-26 Governor for District 3780.
Interesting stuff to see what happens in the world of Rotary. Next Year I will attend the event in Chicago which will look at 208 proposals. I will do my best to keep you informed on the ones that I feel are an interest to us here in District 5330.
PDG-Dan Goodrich