8:45 – 9:30am
Peace Building – Rotarians Creating Peace Focusing on peace building world wide, this session will include current successes and methods to achieve lasting peace in District 5330 and across the world.
Assistant Governors – Participate in discussions concerning AG expectations, reporting and how to increase communication between you, your clubs and the District. Use this opportunity to get to know your fellow AG’s.
Club Compliance – This session will cover the benefits of being a RI-designated “Vibrant Club“; on-timely Semi-Annual Report submissions; Live Scanning your membership; District and RI requirements in order to be a club president, etc.
Fundraising – A practical guide to raising money, from small amounts ($500) to large ($50,000), for your club.
Membership – Learn about and discuss many techniques for attracting and keeping members.
9:45 – 10:30am
Community Service – The community service session will consist of how to get a community assessment started and at the same time develop a bunch of impromptu mini service projects up and running to maximize engagement of existing and potential members.
Dacdb Training – Bring your Laptop!!!! IPDG Dan will cover the basics of Dacdb and your Data. You must be able to login to Dacdb before entering this class. We will not waste class time on helping you login. If you need help contact Dan Prior to the Class. Dan email is [email protected].
Pathways to Growth through Diversity Equity and Inclusion – Expanding club membership by insuring a welcoming and inclusive attitude to everyone in the community.
Paul Harris Points and Investments – Unravel the confusion about Paul Harris Points, how to earn them, use them and the benefits of your contributions
PR/Branding – Spinning success through mastering Rotary Public Relations and Marketing; and using the power of storytelling to effectively communicate your club’s impact.
District Block Grants – FREE $$! Less than 1/2 of the District 5330 clubs take advantage of the available grant fund. Find out everything you need to know to apply for the Community Block Grant.
10:45 11:30am
Club Administration – This session will cover important administrative duties for the officers and committee chairs such as creating a Strategic Plan and By-Laws; club bulletins; club brochures; RLI; District Training Assembly; PR opportunities to get your information out; the importance of Fireside Chats, etc.
International Service – Starting with the origins of our Foundation we’ll explore its many avenues of service, giving option, receiving opportunities and how it can be used to benefit your members, your community and our world.
Leadership Opportunities – Explore Opportunities for leadership positions at both the District and Club level.
Mock Student Interviews – A great way to “give back” to your community is to help high school seniors succeed by participating in individual one-to-one “mock” interview workshops. La Quinta of the Desert Rotarian Marc Rosen will outline the process to set up interviews and recruit volunteers to participate.
Secretary – One of the most important roles in your club is keeping accurate member records and reporting them to Rotary International. This session will explore the ins and outs as well as how to simplify the process.
District Block Grants – FREE $$! Less than 1/2 of the District 5330 clubs take advantage of the available grant fund. Find out everything you need to know to apply for the Community Block Grant.
11:45 – 12:30pm
Paul Harris Fellowships and Rotary Action Groups – Learn what it means to be a Paul Harris Fellow and how the Rotary Action Groups work together to promote peace, fight disease, grow economies and more.
Rotary Foundation Grant Management – An overview of TRF requirements and recommendations in planning and implementing Global Grant projects. Also, the required completion for applying for Global Grants.
Treasurer – Show me the money! As the chief financial officer for your club, your responsibilities are important. Take advantage of this opportunity to increase your knowledge and discuss issues you may face.
Youth Protection – Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotary members, their partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people with whom they come into contact and protect them from physical, sexual, and psychological abuse.
Youth Service – Information on Rotary youth programs Early act, Interact, Rotaract, Youth exchange as well as RYLA and PRYDE.